A night out in Harbor Town.
Nana and Bree sporting their sunglasses
Grandpop playing with Bree in the pool
The Andrews family
The second week, Bryan and family returned to Tallahassee and we moved to our second timeshare. We had a great week highlighted by a plane ride compliments of our friends Jerry and Loretta Cutrer. The Cutrer's plane is beautiful and the ride over Hilton Head Island to Savannah and back was perfect. Here are a few pictures of our time on HHI.
Kayaking with the dolphins on Broad Creek
This guy joined us for HAPPY HOUR every afternoon!!
Getting ready for our flight
With the owner of the plane and our pilot, Jerry Cutrer
Hilton Head Island
Harbor Town
South Beach
We had dinner one night at the Cutrer's beautiful home in Hilton Head Plantation. Here is a picture of us enjoying happy hour on their back deck.
We are now heading down to Ft. Myers Beach for the months of Oct., Nov. and Dec. Look for more from Florida in a few months!!